True Water Vision
An online, ongoing newsletter magazine covering the news, events and features of Vera Aqua Vera Vita.
June - July '22 Project Status Update: Design Plans Submitted!
What does it take to provide clean water to 1000+ people in rural Peru? Learn about the process in Vera Aqua Vera Vita’s latest Project Status Update and see the progress we have made.
Visualizing the Need for Clean Water
From the beginning, VAVV has strived to leverage partners throughout the private & public sector to build our capacity as an organization, improve our designs, tell our story, improve our operations, and provide critical expertise on topics such as strategic planning, fundraising, and project & program delivery. Earlier this year, we were able to do just that by enaging a new partner from the world of data analytics and visualization by the name of Viz for Social Good, an organization that brings together skilled volunteers in the data viz community to visualize impact and tell stories for nonprofits using data.