Project Spotlight (Monte Castillo)

This project is very important. It is going to change lives in the community by reducing the cases of diarrhea and decreasing the cost of our water!

— ALCIRA SANTOS, Monte Castillo Project Champion

At Vera Aqua Vera Vita, we envision a world free of the death and poverty caused by lack of access to clean water. Our pilot project in Monte Castillo, completed in 2019, is a beacon of true empowerment in a rural community of over 7,000 people. Before we stepped in, residents had to rely on canal water that resembled chocolate milk for their daily needs. This compromised their health (especially that of children and the elderly) and hindered both adults and young children from work and school. Witnessing this basic struggle to survive, we felt a deep calling to make a difference.


Their Water

Primary Water Sources (before 2019):

  • Cisterna (Trucked-in) Water (irregular deliveries)

  • Groundwater Well (Salt contamination, dilapidated infrastructure, and expensive operations & maintenance)

  • Irrigation canal [heavy metal & bacteria contamination]

Their Solution: Sustainable, Scaleable, Surface Water Treatment Facility

Their Wastewater

Emergency Health Risks:

  • Frequent sewage backups into the street & people’s homes

  • Estimated 21,000 ft of total sewer piping

  • Estimated 715 ft of collapsed pipe

  • 35 Manholes at risk of imminent collapse

Their Solution: Comprehensive Wastewater Infrastructure Repairs + Long-Term Master Plan

SOLUTION IMPACT: Transformation

Pre-Project Challenges

  • 71% of residents were dissatisfied with the community’s current access to utilities.

  • 86% of community residents traveled to remote sources of water.

  • Only 30% of residents treated their water before use/consumption.

  • 84% of residents reported chronic waterborne illness.

Post-Project Impact

  • 100% of residents reported that the treatment facility had a positive impact on them and their families.

  • Water treatment increased from 30% to ~90%.

  • Waterborne illness reduced from 84% with chronic illness to ~13% with any illness, eradicating chronic illness from 84% to 0%.

Access to Clean Water

Where previously, “86% had to travel to retrieve..." now, 100% have access to clean water in their community!

Before, residents were left to hope and pray that the inconsistent water delivery truck would come to meet their need for water. Unfortunately, this water is expensive and even so, sometimes carries detrimental contaminants.

Now residents have been trained to maintain and operate their clean water solution, which produces enough water for everyone right at the heart of the community!

Community Well-Being and Health

Eradicating Chronic Illness

Previously, 84% suffered from chronic waterborne illnesses. Now, chronic cases have dropped to 0%, with only 12.77% experiencing any water-related illness. Impressively, 87.23% are now free from all waterborne diseases.

Education Opportunities

Unlike many developing communities, now 87% of children do not miss any school due to water-related issues.

Increased Productivity

Similarly, without the stress of finding clean water, 68% adults do not miss any time for work or household tasks due to water-related issues.

Our vision to see death, illness, and poverty caused by lack of access to clean water is coming true! It is through our systematic empowerment projects that we’re able to create such a holistic transformation. Not only do communities see a dramatic decrease in illness and an increase in productivity time, but with our projects, they receive the knowledge and training they need to coordinate and cooperate for their future and the future of their children.

Resident Testimonies!

Discover what water means to the residents in Monte Castillo after experiencing 4+ years of clean, accessible water! Hear directly how our work has impacted thousands of people like Erlita below!

Thank You

To our Board Members

To our Volunteers

To our Funding Partners

To Our Prayer Warriors

To Our Project Partners (Water Mission and the Rotary Club)

To Fr. Joe and the Santisimo Sacramento Mission Center

To the people of Monte Castillo, Piura, Peru

Help us Fund
our Next Project

Support our mission to provide clean water to those in need and play a part in transforming the next community we serve. Your contribution fuels our journey towards empowering “True Water, True Life” for all! Let's make a difference together.